The brief was to raise awareness of the newly launched Exeter to London City route. The aim was to get train commuters to reappraise their travel options and educate them on the benefits of flying. We arranged a 'guerilla' stye stunt at Exeter St Davids train station where we appealed to commuters basic requirements - free coffee - getting them off to a flying start! Then in the evening we gave out specially designed bunches of purple flowers to help get the message into peoples homes.
The two minute film posted on YouTube received over 60,000 views and counting. Coverage in key publications / websites writing about the event from the Daily Mail to the Western Morning News to the Daily Telegraph.
Best Creative Content Idea using Video 2015 - The Drum Content Awards
The Drum Content Awards honour the best in modern marketing. Ab received a commendation in the 2015 awards for our guerrilla marketing campaign for Flybe to launch the new Exeter to London City route. This included two PR events, two films and national print ads helping to achieve over 160,000 views on YouTube.